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Showing 5 results for Lotfi

Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, Noora, Jahanshahloo,
Volume 2, Issue 1 (vol 2. No 1 2010)

  We suggest a method for finding the non-dominated points of the production possibility set (PPS) with variable returns to scale (VRS) technology in data envelopment analysis (DEA). We present a multiobjective linear programming (MOLP) problem whose feasible region is the same as the PPS under variable returns to scale for generating non-dominated points. We demonstrate that Pareto solutions of the MOLP produce efficient units in DEA, and vice versa. We solve the MOLP problem by using a finite number of weights which are extreme rays of the cone generated by the efficient solutions. We obtain new efficient points by changing weights, and thus the efficient solutions set is produced.

S. Rahimi, M.m. Lotfi, M.h. Abooie,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (10-2013)

Quality function deployment is a well-known customer-oriented design procedure for translating the voice of customers into a final production. This is a way that higher customer satisfaction is achieved while the other goals of company may also be met. This method, at the first stage, attempts to determine the best fulfillment levels of design requirements which are emanated by customer needs. In real-world applications, product design processes are performed in an uncertain and imprecise environment, more than one objective should be considered to identify the target levels of design requirements, and the values of design requirements are often discrete. Regarding these issues, a fuzzy mixed-integer linear goal programming model with a flexible goal hierarchy is proposed to achieve the optimized compromise solution from a given number of design requirement alternatives .To determine relative importance of customer needs, as an important input data, we apply the well-known fuzzy AHP method. Inspired by a numerical problem, the efficiency of our proposed approach is demonstrated by several experiments. Notably, the approach can easily and efficiently be matched with QFD problems.
Mrs. S. Madadi, Dr. F. Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, Dr. M. Rostamy-Malkhalifeh, Dr. M. Fallah Jelodar,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (7-2018)

Resource allocation is a problem that commonly appears in organization with a centralized decision making (CDM), who controls the units. The aim of central decision making is to allocate resources in such a way that the organization get the most benefit. Some Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) researchers presented DEA-based resource allocation models by paying attention to energy saving and environmental pollution reduction. In this paper, we expanded a resource allocation model for 25 branches of an Iranian Tejarat bank, so that determined how much decision making (DM) can save on energy and manpower hours, so that undesirable outputs like non-performing loans are significantly reduced in a way that achieve the minimum reduction of desirable outputs while unchanged the performance of each unit after re-allocation. The result of the implementation of the model shows that in total with a 10% and 23% reduction in staff and costs respectively can result in the 0.09% reduction of deposits and 56% of non-performing loans.
Dr. Mohammad Fallah, Dr. Farhad Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, Mohammad Mehdi Hosseinzadeh,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (9-2020)

Using the experiences of successful and unsuccessful companies can be a criterion for predicting the situation of emerging companies. Each company can have a vector include both financial and non-financial characteristics. Accordingly, for an active or emerging company, it is possible to determine the characteristic vector and predict which group it is likely to belong to. The techniques used in this research are discriminant analysis and data envelopment analysis. Based on this technique, discriminant functions are designed to separate known sets. The main idea for finding discriminant functions is from data envelopment analysis, which makes a limit of efficiency for separating efficient units from inefficient ones. The discriminant functions of this method are used to predict the state of the company. Hyper planes are obtained as discriminant functions to separate companies. These hyper planes are based on multiple indicators. Each of these indicators can also apply in certain situations. The modeling used in this paper was used on oil companies listed on the Iran Stock Exchange. 15 indicators and criteria have been defined for each company. The data were for 2015 and 2016, and the number of oil companies was 18, of which 9 were successful and 9 were bankrupt. In this paper, with the help of data envelopment analysis and discriminant analysis, a new modeling was designed to find hyper planes for separating two sets. Modeling has been performed based on the different criteria that have existed, and each one applies in certain circumstances. In the following, the properties of the designed model are expressed and proved. The specific conditions of the criteria have become limitations that have been added to the multiplicative form of the designed model.
Mr. Mehdi Komijani , Dr. Farhad Hoseinzadeh Lotfi, Dr. Amir Gholamabri, Dr. Naghi Shoja , Dr. Seyed Ahmad Shayannia ,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (6-2021)

This research uses Network Data EnvelopmentAanalysis (NDEA) by  undesirable factors to analyze and evaluate the performance of automotive industry. The modeling used is applied to five production lines of an automobile company by 16 indicators. The data used are for the year 2019. The main purpose is to provide a model to improve the quality of the product by evaluating the performance of quality health in production lines able  to rank by providing appropriate quality indicators to identify, formulate and achieve corrective measures. Accompanied with accurate problem solving and operational scheduling according to the most efficient organization/production line and so investigating the source of the problem and preventing the occurrence of the problem. Because determining the direction of performance and key performance indicators (KPI) of the organization and measuring them to increase its health efficiency requires an efficient and integrated system. On the other hand, creating a homogeneous and orderly development process between the elements of the organization as a common language to solve the quality problems by aiming the improvement of the performance, customer satisfaction, sustainable production and cost management has been proposed.

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مجله انجمن ایرانی تحقیق در عملیات Iranian Journal of Operations Research
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