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Showing 2 results for Salehi

Mr. Behnam Salehi , Dr. Kazem Nouri , Dr. Leila Torkzadeh ,
Volume 12, Issue 1 (6-2021)

In this paper, an efficient method is proposed for solving nonlinear quadratic optimal control problems with inequality constraints. The method is based upon Chebyshev cardinal wavelets. The operational matrix of integration is given for related procedures. This matrix is used to reduce the solution of the nonlinear constrained optimal control to a nonlinear programming one to which existing well-developed algorithms may be applied. Finally, the applicability and validity of method are shown by numerical results of some examples. Moreover, the comparison with the existing results show the preference of this method.
Ms Avishan Salehi, Dr. Nikbakhsh Javadian,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (6-2022)

Today, a high volume of multimedia information is transmitted in computer networks, such as the internet, that the requirement for achieving high security level against unauthorized access. the visual secret sharing scheme is a cryptographic system without requiring a secret key that is able to encrypt information in a multi - user computer network. in this research, a visual secret sharing scheme including two strategies for binary communications and multiple relationships were considered. in binary communications, an entity plays a role in the role of the server and an entity in the role of the client 's service in this strategy using a network - based visual secret sharing scheme ( 2 , 2 ) a secure approach to establish double relations where the provider entity is sending confidential information after authentication of the client 's service. then, two main phases of registration and verification are performed on the basis of the visual secret sharing scheme based on random networks. in tuple communication ( n , n ) an entity plays a role in the role of the server and several entities in the role of the service, and then two main phases of registration and verification are executed.

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مجله انجمن ایرانی تحقیق در عملیات Iranian Journal of Operations Research
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