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Ms Avishan Salehi, Dr. Nikbakhsh Javadian,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (6-2022)

Today, a high volume of multimedia information is transmitted in computer networks, such as the internet, that the requirement for achieving high security level against unauthorized access. the visual secret sharing scheme is a cryptographic system without requiring a secret key that is able to encrypt information in a multi - user computer network. in this research, a visual secret sharing scheme including two strategies for binary communications and multiple relationships were considered. in binary communications, an entity plays a role in the role of the server and an entity in the role of the client 's service in this strategy using a network - based visual secret sharing scheme ( 2 , 2 ) a secure approach to establish double relations where the provider entity is sending confidential information after authentication of the client 's service. then, two main phases of registration and verification are performed on the basis of the visual secret sharing scheme based on random networks. in tuple communication ( n , n ) an entity plays a role in the role of the server and several entities in the role of the service, and then two main phases of registration and verification are executed.
Dr. Mahdi Homayounfar , Dr. Mehdi Fadaei , Mr. Hamed Gheibdoust , Dr. Hamidreza Rezaee Kelidbari,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (6-2022)

Abstract: Recently, Multi-objective optimization by ratio analysis (MOORA) as a new and efficient Multiple-criteria decision-making (MCDM) method was applied in different areas for ranking alternatives and choosing the best ones. MOORA method evaluates the studied options by using positive and negative criteria. In this paper, a literature review is presented to study the MOORA methodology and its applications. So, all published papers in Science Direct journals are investigated and categorized from different perspectives (application area, journal of publication, year of publication, authors’ nationality, and type of data in form of fuzzy /crisp). The papers covered several filed: material selection, energy, welding process, and surface roughness, automotive and wire, fuel selection, logistics and transportation, heat transfer, optimization, and other topics. It is hoped that the study is useful for researchers and also a useful reference for practitioners and academics to improve their future research. The highest amount of using the MOORA method with the number of 15 articles is related to material selection, which shows the importance of using the MOORA method for material selection. And the lowest amount of using the MOORA method with the number of two articles is related to fuel selection. The present study was able to provide a framework for future research by reviewing the MOORA method. The results show that the MOORA method is one of the most efficient methods for evaluating options in different fields, which can be used in different areas.
Dr. Seyed Hadi Nasseri, Ms. Parastoo Niksefat Dogori,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (6-2022)

One of the most useful tools in Operations Research (OR) which is essentially applied to evaluate the performance of treated Decision-Making Units (DMUs) is Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Because of in the current decades, DEA models have been used and extended in many disciplines and hence attracted much interests. The traditional DEA treats DMUs as black boxes and calculates their efficiencies by considering their initial inputs and their final outputs. Since, in the real situations, input data are included some uncertainties, hence in this study we consider a DEA with fuzzy stochastic data and suggest a three-stage DEA model by taking into account undesirable output. To achieve this aim, an extended probability approach is applied to the reform of three-stage DEA models. Finally, we give an illustrative example by considering a case study on the banking industry.
Dr. Seyed Hadi Nasseri, Ms. Parastoo Niksefat Dogori, Ms. Gohar Shakouri,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (12-2022)

The most convenient models of Solid Transportation (ST) problems have been justly considered a kind of uncertainty in their parameters such as fuzzy, grey, stochastic, etc. and usually, they suggest solving the main problems by solving some crisp equivalent model/models based on their proposed approach such as using ranking functions, embedding problems etc. Furthermore, there exist some shortcomings in formulating the main model for the realistic situations, since it omitted the flexibility conditions in their studies. Hence, to overcome these shortages, we formulate these conditions for the mentioned these problems with fuzzy flexible constraints, where there are no exact predictions for the values of the resources. In particluar, numerical investigation shows that each increasing for the values of the supply and demand is not effective for improving the objective function.  The value of the objective function is sensitive when supply and demand change, so we conduct a new study to diversify the value of the objective function, due to changes in resource and demand levels simultaneously.
Dr. Mehrdad Fadaei Pellehshahi, Prof. Sohrab Kordrostami, Dr. Amir Hossein Refahi Sheikhani, Dr. Marzieh Faridi Masouleh, Dr Soheil Shokri,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (12-2022)

In this paper, a new method is presented using a combination of deep learning method, specifically recursive neural network, and Markov chain. The aim is to obtain more realistic results with lower cost in predicting COVID-19 patients. For this purpose, the BestFirst algorithm is used for the search section, and the Cfssubseteval algorithm is implemented for evaluating the features in the data preprocessing section. The proposed method is simulated using the real data of COVID-19 patients who were hospitalized in treatment centers of Tehran treatment management affiliated to the Social Security Organization of Iran in 2020. The obtained results were compared with three valid advanced methods. The results showed that the proposed method significantly reduces the amount of memory resource usage and CPU usage time compared to similar methods, and at the same time, the accuracy also increases significantly.
Dr Davood Bastehzadeh, Dr Saeid Mehrabian,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (12-2022)

Tone [29] proposed a method of super-efficiency slack-based measures (SBM) for ranking efficient decision-making units (DMUs), so that this model would rank efficient DMUs. The established model was able to measure radially. It calculates and measuring the efficiency of inefficient DMUs and the amount of super-efficiency of efficient DMUs. Du et al. [11] developed the Charens et al. [6] model in to the additive DEA model, as well as the additive super performance model. Turn et al. [32] used a linear SBM and S-SBM integrated model that had the properties of both models and reduced the time factor compared to previous models. In order to be able to calculate the amount of additive super efficiency; First we identify the efficient DMUs and then apply the additive super-efficiency model to the efficient DMUs. In this paper, the proposed model obtains the additive efficiency value of inefficient DMUs and the additive super efficiency value of efficient DMUs with less computation time. The amount of DMUs calculated from the integrated model in this article can be compared to the Guo et al. [15] article in comparison with the time table of the text of the article.
Mr. Amir Hossein Naji Moghadam, Prof. Yahia Zare Mehrjerdi,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (12-2022)

Due to the importance of vehicle routing for delivering a large number of orders with different restrictions in the world, various optimization methods have been studied in past researches. In this article, a number of researches of recent years have been discussed, then the proposed model is described in 3 phases with the penalty index. This model has the ability to assign orders, route vehicles and determine the number of active vehicles dynamically with the aim of minimizing the total cost of distribution. By examining valid metaheuristic models and using their strengths and weaknesses, and considering multiple limitations, a new model of "dynamic 3-phase optimization" has been designed. The main application of the proposed model is for vehicle routing problems with capacity constraints of fleet number and capacity constraints (maximum and minimum number of orders). Finally, with simulation, the outputs of the model have been analyzed in different conditions . Although the limitation of maximum and minimum capacity is added to the problem, by dynamically considering the number of vehicles and using star clustering (initiative of this research), three social, environmental and economic dimensions were improved. The time for orders to reach customers decreased by 19.3%, fuel consumption and air pollution by 14.9%, and logistics costs by 8.7%. To calculate the final value of system stability, a unique 3D fuzzy model has been used. With the sensitivity analysis, we came to the conclusion that the 3-phase dynamic optimization model has led to a 14.58% improvement in system stability.
Dr Jafar Pourmahmoud , Dr Davood Norouzi Bene ,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (12-2022)

Data Envelopment Analysis is one of the most appropriate methods in Evaluation of decision-making units in the real world. That is why researchers have always tried to improve and develop existing methods and approaches in this field. Network Data Envelopment Analysis is used to evaluate the efficiency of network systems by considering processes within divisions. In the evaluation of network systems, one of the challenges is the presence of undesirable and non-discretionary data in the system. Not many conducted have been done about the simultaneous presence of these factors in general two-stage network systems. For this reason, by extending CCR model and combining some methods in this study, we presented a model that is able to evaluate two-stage systems with the mentioned conditions. One of the strengths of the proposed model in this study is the achievement of the efficiency of the system and divisions simultaneously. At the end of the article, we analyzed the results with a numerical example. The results show the ability of the presented model in evaluating the systems under investigation.

Mr. Milad Rezaeefard, Dr Nazanin Pilevari, Dr. Farshad Faezy Razi, Prof. Reza Radfar,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (12-2022)

Demand planning based on demand data in the supply chain includes the most significant steps in production planning. Therefore, the supply chain's correct demand forecasting may reduce this effect, known as the bullwhip effect or uncertainty concerning customer demand, thus reducing companies' and organizations' costs and surplus activities. Therefore, this article examined the statistical population characteristics to test the hypotheses through the path analysis drawn using descriptive statistics and FCM(fuzzy cognitive map)  method. Then, the model strength was investigated using structural equation modeling (SEM) in AMOS software, and structural equations were presented. This article selected the Aftab oil factory as a case study. The findings of this study emphasized that demand management performance is highly essential for industries. Companies can design the sector independently as a demand management sector for evaluating customer demands at different levels of the supply chain. According to the fit of the main model, CFI and NFI indices are equal to 0.99 and 0.97, respectively, which are close to the optimal fit threshold. RMSEA and SRMR indices are equal to 0.01 and 0.01, respectively, both showing a relatively good fit of the model.
Prof. Yahia Zare Mehrjerdi,
Volume 13, Issue 2 (12-2022)

A look at the world production and consumption indicates that production systems resiliency and sustainability is highly regarded by businessmen and the general users for long surviving of human being race and ecological endurance. By conducting theoretical studies and reviewing the literature, and searching previous studies to identify the resilience factors important to manufacturing industries, a list of effective strategies was determined. The most important strategies of resilience considered in this study are: capacity management, multi sourcing, demand management, information sharing, additional inventory holding, contracting with backups, risk management and disaster recovery, dropping market feeding strategy, enlightenment of business flow complexity, and suppliers/facilities reinforcement. In this article, DEMATEL approach is used to demonstrate how production resilience factors can impacts on each other and what the interrelationships among these factors are. After that, a questionnaire was designed for pairwise comparisons of resilience strategies of capacity scaling, multi sourcing, contracts, inventory management, risk management, and production level. Then, a system dynamics approach is used to model the interrelations among the resilience factors by taking feedback loops into consideration managing to trace their impacts on production and inventory levels. A production system with its main processes of: production order rate, planned work, work in process (WIP), production rate, inventory level, desired shipment rate, backlogs, rejected rate, rework rate, required capacity, and capacity scaling are designed for this study. This model presents a production system with circular resilience’s strategies impacts on production scaling and hence their impacts on sustainability indicators of job creation, and salary (social pillar), profit and investment (economic pillar), and ecosystem destruction (environment pillar). System dynamics approach helped us in presenting the long trends of sustainability indicators as shown by a number of figures in the body of this article. Five scenarios are developed and the results were presented to the team of our experts presenting them by wi=0, wp=0 (case 1), wi=0, wp=0.5 (case 2), wi=1, wp=0 (case 3), wi=0, wp=1 (case 4), and wi=0.36, wp=0.47 (case 5). Experts’ opinions were gathered and then use TOPSIS approach for determining the best case the among cases discussed above. The results indicates that the data generated by Vensim computer software for five cases, case 5 with wi=0.36 and wp=0.47 is the best case among all cases.
Jafar Pourmahmoud,
Volume 14, Issue 1 (6-2023)

In cost efficiency models, the capability of producing observed outputs of a target decision making unit (DMU) is evaluated by its minimum cost. Traditional cost efficiency models are considered for situations where data set is known for each DMU, while, some of them are imprecise in practice. Several studies have carried out to evaluate cost efficiency using fuzzy data envelopment analysis (DEA) methods for dealing with the imprecise data that have drawbacks. The issue of presenting improve strategy is ignored for inefficient units, as well as the applied models are not easily implemented. This paper proposes a new extension to evaluate fuzzy cost efficiency using fuzzy extended multiplication and division operations. This method offers a fully fuzzy model with triangular fuzzy input-output data along with triangular fuzzy input prices. In the proposed extension, a new definition of fuzzy cost efficiency is suggested based on the extended operations. Finally, a numerical example is provided to show the applicability of the proposed models.
Jafar Pourmahmoud, Mahdi Eini, Davood Darvishi Salokolaei, Saeid Mehrabian,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (12-2023)

In the evaluation of decision making units with classical models of data envelopment analysis, it is assumed that the factors are deterministic. In some decision-making problems, the amount of inputs or outputs of the units is not exactly known and it is a three-parameter interval in grey form. In this case, it is recommended to choose the factors from their center of gravity. In the classic models of data envelopment analysis, all factors are also considered desirable, but in real problems there are undesirable factors too which cannot be used to evaluate problems with undesirable inputs and undesirable outputs. In this paper, a model is presented for calculating the efficiency of decision making units in the presence of the center of gravity of undesirable three-parameter interval grey undesirable factors based on the combination of strong and weak disposability principles. To this end, the proposed method is discussed with a practical example.
Davoud Bastehzadeh, Gholamreza Godarzi, Mehdi Sadeghi Shahdani, Saeid Mehrabian,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (12-2023)

The purpose of this article is to investigate the modes of vehicles based on the type and number of urban travel facilities for passengers. As you know, to divide transportation models based on  goal programming, is to divide all transportation modes for urban station routes by type and region.The main objective of this is to present the best mode (vehicle) of transportation based on travel modeling in transportation areas of urban trips for multi-objective transportation goal programming. In this case, the type of transportation solution is determined in the desired area on the way to the stations, according to which the pollution reduction, travel time reduction, cost reduction, availability, maximum safety and comfort of the means of transportation are reduced, increased or liminated.
Roghayeh Azizi Usefvand, Sohrab Kordrostami, Alireza Amirteimoori, Maryam Daneshmand-Mehr,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (12-2023)

Supply chains often have different technologies. Additionally, organizations with multiple stages can evaluate their operational efficiency by analyzing scale elasticity, which helps determine if they are functioning optimally or if there is room for improvement. This evaluation allows for the identification of potential inefficiencies and opportunities for enhancement. Consequently, this research introduces a two-stage DEA-based approach with undesirable outputs to examine the scale elasticity of supply chains within meta and group frontiers. The measurement of group and meta performance of general systems and stages is conducted for this purpose. Moreover, the study addresses the scale elasticity of supply chains with undesirable outputs by considering the heterogeneity of technologies. To achieve this, the study focuses on the right and left scale elasticity of efficient general systems and each stage. A real-world application from the soft drink industry is provided to illustrate the proposed model. The results show the applicability of the introduced methodology.
Somaye Mohammadpor, Maryam Rahmaty, Fereydon Rahnamay Roodposhti, Reza Ehtesham Rasi,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (12-2023)

In this article, the modeling and solution of a cryptocurrency capital portfolio optimization problem has been discussed. The presented model, which is based on Markowitz's mean-variance method, aims to maximize the non-deterministic internal return and minimize the cryptocurrency investment risk. A combined PSO and SCA algorithm was used to optimize this two-objective model. The results of the investigation of 40 investment portfolios in a probable state showed that with the increase in the internal rate of return, the investment risk increases. So in the optimistic state, there is the highest internal rate of return and in the pessimistic state, there is the lowest investment risk. Investigations of the investment portfolio in the probable state also showed that more than 80% of the investment was made to optimize the objective functions in 5 cryptocurrencies BTC, ETH, USTD, ADA, and XRP. So in the secondary analysis, it was observed that in the case of investing in the top 5 cryptocurrencies, the average internal rate of return increased by 9.92%, and the average investment risk decreased by 0.1%.
Amir-Mohammad Golmohammadi, Hamidreza Abedsoltan,
Volume 14, Issue 2 (12-2023)

Enhancing the efficacy and productivity of transportation system has been on the most common issues in recent decades, noteworthy to the industrial managers and expert so that the products are delivered to the clients at right time and the least costs. Therefore, there are two important issues; one is to create hub as the as intermediaries for streaming from multiple origins to multiple destinations and also responding to the tours of every hub at the proper time. The other is a route where the vehicles should pay at time window of each destination node. On the other hand, these problems may cause cost differences between hub and interruption of their balance. Accordingly, this paper presents a model dealing with cost balancing among the vehicles as well as reducing the total cost of the system. Given the multi-objective and NP-Hard nature of the issue, a multi-objective imperialist competitive algorithm (MOICA) is suggested to provide Pareto solutions. The provided solutions are at small, average and large scales are compared with the solutions provided by Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II) algorithm. Then, its performance is determined using the index for evaluating the algorithm performance efficacy to solve the problem at large dimensions.
Dr Zahra Behdani, Dr Majid Darehmiraki,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (7-2024)

Regression is a statistical technique used in finance, investment, and several other domains to assess the magnitude and precision of the association between a dependent variable (often represented as Y) and a set of other factors (referred to as independent variables). This work introduces a linear programming approach for constructing regression models for Neutrosophic data. To achieve this objective, we use the least absolute deviation approach to transform the regression issue into a linear programming problem. Ultimately, the efficacy of the suggested approach in resolving such problems has been shown via the presentation of a concrete illustration.
Yasaman Zibaei Vishghaei, Sohrab Kordrostami, Alireza Amirteimoori, Soheil Shokri,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (7-2024)

The traditional inverse data envelopment analysis (IDEA) models assess specific performance metrics in relation to changes in others, without taking into consideration the existence of random and undesirable outputs. This study presents a novel inverse DEA model with random and undesirable outputs, enabling the estimation of some random performance measures for changes of other random measures. The proposed chance-constrained inverse DEA model integrates both managerial and natural disposability constraints. By using the introduced approach, the estimation of natural disposable random inputs is presented for changes in random desirable outputs. Also, undesirable outputs are assessed for the perturbation of managerial disposable random inputs while the stochastic efficiency is maintained. The models are solved as  linear problems, with a numerical example provided to illustrate their application. The findings indicate that this approach is effective for evaluating efficiency and performance metrics in scenarios involving random and undesirable outputs.
Mr Yaser Khosravian, Prof Ali Shahandeh Nookabadi, Prof Ghasem Moslehi,
Volume 15, Issue 1 (7-2024)

Traditional maximal p-hub covering problems focus on scenarios where network flow is constrained by resource limitations. However, many existing models rely on static parameters, overlooking the inherent randomness present in real-world logistics. This oversight can result in suboptimal network designs that are vulnerable to congestion and rising costs as demand varies. To address this issue, we propose a novel mathematical model for the capacitated single allocation maximal p-hub covering problem that takes into account stochastic variations in origin-destination flows. Although solving this model poses computational challenges, we utilize a Lagrangian relaxation algorithm to enhance efficiency. Computational experiments using the CAB dataset highlight the effectiveness of our approach in achieving optimal solutions while reducing computation time. This framework offers valuable insights for designing robust hub-and-spoke networks in the face of demand uncertainty.
Javad Gerami,
Volume 15, Issue 2 (12-2024)

One of the ways to evaluate the performance of decision-making units (DMUs) such as banks and commercial companies is to use the concepts of economic efficiency in data envelopment analysis (DEA). In the process of evaluating the performance of the DMUs, it is important to apply the superior information of the decision maker (DM). In this paper, we obtain cost and revenue efficiency measurement models to evaluate DMUs based on the DM's opinion. In this regard, we use the method of production trade-offs in DEA. Using the production trade-off method, we apply the importance of inputs and outputs to the efficiency measurement process based on the opinion of the DM. We assumed that the cost (price) of each input (output) is different for different DMUs. We present the efficiency scores ​​and efficient targets corresponding to the DMUs. We present an application of the presented models in the banking sector and present the results of the paper.

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مجله انجمن ایرانی تحقیق در عملیات Iranian Journal of Operations Research
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