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Showing 4 results for Hub Location

Dr. Nader Ghaffarinasab, Dr. Y. Jabarzadeh, Mr. A. Motallebzadeh,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (4-2017)

The hub location problems (HLP) constitute an important class of facility location problems that have been addressed by numerous operations researchers in recent years. HLP is a strategic problem frequently encountered in designing logistics and transportation networks. Here, we address the competitive multiple allocation HLP in a duopoly market. It is assumed that an incumbent firm (the leader) is operating an existing hub network in a market and an entrant firm (the follower) tries to enter the market by locating its own hubs aiming at capturing as much flow as possible from the leader. The customers choose one firm based on the service level (cost, time, distance, etc.) provided by the firm. We formulate the problem from the entrant firm’s point of view and propose an efficient tabu search based solution algorithm to solve it. Computational experiments show the capability of the proposed solution algorithm to obtain the optimal solutions in short computing times.
Mr. Yaser Rouzpeykar , Dr Roya Soltani, Dr Mohammad Ali Afashr Kazemi,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (9-2020)

The hub location and revenue management problem are two research topics in the field of network design and transportation. The hub location model designs the structure of the transportation network, while the revenue management model allocates network capacity to different customer categories according to their price sensitivity. Revenue management determines which products to sell to which customers and at what price. On the other hand, due to the limited number of aircraft seats, the revenue management problem has been widely used in the aviation industry. In this study, a robust optimization model is developed for the hub location and revenue management problem. For this purpose, a real-world case study with a central hub and six airports is presented and solved using CPLEX solver in GAMS software. Finally, a sensitivity analysis was performed on the key parameters of the problem, and their effect on the objective functions of the problem was investigated. Results show that the proposed model achieved the feasible solution in reasonable time for real case problem by exact method.
Mr. Behnam Tootooni, Dr. Ahmad Sadegheih, Dr. Hassan Khademi Zare, Dr. Mohammad Ali Vahdatzad,
Volume 11, Issue 2 (2-2020)

Hubs are facilities that can decrease the cost of many-to-many distribution systems by acting as an interconnector between the demand and supply nodes. This type of facility can reduce the number of direct links needed in a logistics network. Hub location problems (HLP) have been discussed by many authors for more than four decades, and different approaches have been developed for modeling and solving this problem. We propose a fuzzy type I and II programming approach for a new model presented in the literature, i.e., the single allocation ordered median problem. The level of flow among the nodes will be considered as a fuzzy parameter. In the fuzzy type I approach, a linear programming problem with fuzzy parameters is used, while for the fuzzy type II approach, the rules of interval arithmetic are developed to simplify the problem to the fuzzy type I case. Finally, we apply our method on Kalleh Dairy Co. data of transportation as a case study and compare crisp and fuzzy situations. We show that the results of the fuzzy approach could be 2% better than the crisp approach and also discuss the pros and cons of fuzzy type I and type II approaches.
Ms. Malihe Fallah-Tafti, Dr. Mahboube Honarvar, Prof. Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, Prof. Ahmad Sadeghieh,
Volume 13, Issue 1 (6-2022)

This study aims to develop a capacitated hub location-routing model to design a rapid transit network under uncertainty. The mathematical model is formulated by making decisions about the location of the hub and spoke (non-hub) nodes, the selection of the hub and spoke edges, the allocation of the spoke nodes to the hub nodes, the determination of the hub and spoke lines, the determination of the percentage of satisfied origin-destination demands, and the routing of satisfied demand flows through the lines. Capacity constraints are considered in the hub and spoke nodes and also the hub and spoke edges. Uncertainty is assumed for the demands and transportation costs, represented by a finite set of scenarios. The aim is to maximize the total expected profit, where transfers between the lines are penalized by including their costs in the objective function. The performance of the proposed model is evaluated by computational tests and some managerial insights are also provided through the analysis of the resulting networks under various parameter settings.

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مجله انجمن ایرانی تحقیق در عملیات Iranian Journal of Operations Research
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