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Showing 2 results for Semidefinite Optimization
Salahi, Volume 2, Issue 2 (6-2011)
Semidefinite optimization relaxations are among the widely used approaches to find global optimal or approximate solutions for many nonconvex problems. Here, we consider a specific quadratically constrained quadratic problem with an additional linear constraint. We prove that under certain conditions the semidefinite relaxation approach enables us to find a global optimal solution of the underlying problem in polynomial time .
Mansouri, Siyavash, Zangiabadi, Volume 3, Issue 1 (4-2012)
We present a new algorithm obtained by changing the search directions in the algorithm given in [8]. This algorithm is based on a new technique for finding the search direction and the strategy of the central path. At each iteration, we use only the full Nesterov-Todd (NT)step. Moreover, we obtain the currently best known iteration bound for the infeasible interior-point algorithms with full NT steps, namely O(nlogn/e) , which is as good as the linear analogue.