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Showing 3 results for Revenue Management
Etebari, Aaghaie, Khoshalhan, Volume 3, Issue 1 (4-2012)
In recent years, enriching traditional revenue management models by considering the customer choice behavior has been a main challenge for researchers. The terminology for the airline application is used as representative of the problem. A popular and an efficient model considering these behaviors is choice-based deterministic linear programming (CDLP). This model assumes that each customer belongs to a segment, which is characterized by a consideration set, which is a subset of the products provided by the firm that a customer views as options. Initial models consider a market segmentation, in which each customer belongs to one specific segment. In this case, the segments are defined by disjoint consideration sets of products. Recent models consider the extension of the CDLP to the general case of overlapping segments. The main difficulty, from a computational standpoint, in this approach is solving the CDLP efficiently by column generation. Indeed, it turns out that the column generation subproblem is difficult on its own. It has been shown that for the case of nonoverlapping segments, this can be done in polynomial time. For the more general case of overlapping segments, the column generation sub-problem is NP-hard for which greedy heuristics are proposed for computing approximate solutions. Here, we present a new approach to solve this problem by using a genetic algorithm and compare it with the column generation method. We comparatively investigate the effect of using the new approach for firm’s revenue
Mrs. Mahdieh Zarei, Dr. Hamid Mashreghi, Dr. Saeed Emami, Volume 10, Issue 1 (7-2019)
Nowadays, airline industries should overcome different barriers regarding the fierce competition and changing consumer behavior. Thus, they attempt to focus on joint decision making which enables them to set pricing and capacity allocation to maximize their profits. In this research, we develop a model to optimize pricing and capacity allocation in a duopoly of single-flight leg for two competitive airlines. The problem considers actual assumptions about flexible partitions in flight’s cabins and additionally demand uncertainty. There is a flexible partitioning of business and economy cabins and demand is assumed price-dependent with additive uncertainty. The capacity and pricing decisions are simultaneously determined through indirect channels. Moreover, a numerical study is developed to investigate how market components and competition conditions change pricing, capacity, and profit levels. The results show that increasing market volume like decreasing price sensitivity provides higher levels of price and profits. Moreover, intensified competition never leads to higher prices. Thus, a competitive network of airlines provides better impact on market mechanism to achieve competitive prices for both economy and business classes.
Mr. Yaser Rouzpeykar , Dr Roya Soltani, Dr Mohammad Ali Afashr Kazemi, Volume 11, Issue 1 (9-2020)
The hub location and revenue management problem are two research topics in the field of network design and transportation. The hub location model designs the structure of the transportation network, while the revenue management model allocates network capacity to different customer categories according to their price sensitivity. Revenue management determines which products to sell to which customers and at what price. On the other hand, due to the limited number of aircraft seats, the revenue management problem has been widely used in the aviation industry. In this study, a robust optimization model is developed for the hub location and revenue management problem. For this purpose, a real-world case study with a central hub and six airports is presented and solved using CPLEX solver in GAMS software. Finally, a sensitivity analysis was performed on the key parameters of the problem, and their effect on the objective functions of the problem was investigated. Results show that the proposed model achieved the feasible solution in reasonable time for real case problem by exact method.