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Showing 1 results for Ant Colony Algorithm

Dr Hamid Reza Yousefzadeh, Dr Davood Darvishi, Mrs Arezoo Sayadi Salar,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (9-2020)

Ant colony optimization (ACOR) is a meta-heuristic algorithm for solving continuous optimization
problems (MOPs). In the last decades, some improved versions of ACO
R have been proposed.
R is a unified version of ACOR that is designed for continuous domains. By adjusting
some specified components of the UACO
R, some new versions of ACOR can be deduced. By doing
that, it becomes more practical for different types of MOPs. Based on the nature of meta-heuristic
algorithms, the performance of meta-heuristic algorithms are depends on the exploitation and
exploration, which are known as the two useful factors to generate solutions with different
qualities. Since all the meta-heuristic algorithms with random parameters use the probability
functions to generate the random numbers and as a result, there is no any control over the
amount of diversity; hence in this paper, by using the best parameters of UACO
R and making
some other changes, we propose a new version of ACO
R to increase the efficiency of UACOR.
These changes include using chaotic sequences to generate various random sequences and also
using a new local search to increase the quality of the solution. The proposed algorithm, the two
standard versions of UACO
R and the genetic algorithm are tested on the CEC05 benchmark
functions, and then numerical results are reported. Furthermore, we apply these four algorithms
to solve the utilization of complex multi-reservoir systems, the three-reservoir system of Karkheh
dam, as a case study. The numerical results confirm the superiority of proposed algorithm over
the three other algorithms.


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مجله انجمن ایرانی تحقیق در عملیات Iranian Journal of Operations Research
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