Department of Mathematics, Lahijan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Lahijan, Iran ,
Abstract: (740 Views)
Supply chains often have different technologies. Additionally, organizations with multiple stages can evaluate their operational efficiency by analyzing scale elasticity, which helps determine if they are functioning optimally or if there is room for improvement. This evaluation allows for the identification of potential inefficiencies and opportunities for enhancement. Consequently, this research introduces a two-stage DEA-based approach with undesirable outputs to examine the scale elasticity of supply chains within meta and group frontiers. The measurement of group and meta performance of general systems and stages is conducted for this purpose. Moreover, the study addresses the scale elasticity of supply chains with undesirable outputs by considering the heterogeneity of technologies. To achieve this, the study focuses on the right and left scale elasticity of efficient general systems and each stage. A real-world application from the soft drink industry is provided to illustrate the proposed model. The results show the applicability of the introduced methodology.